All About That Scene Swag...

Okay, the 4th of July has kind of snuck up on all of us, no?! If you’re in the same boat as we are, then you’ll want to listen up. Today is the last day you can purchase our beloved 4th of July Scene Swag and receive everything in time before the long holiday weekend! Here's what we're workin' with...

BTW you can shop all these styles HERE!

All American Girl 4th of July Collection

Now that we have that out of the way, we can talk about our latest business venture, Scene Swag! By know most of you know all about it and we can’t thank you all for your continued love and support for our growing brand. Seriously - it’s amazing. We see all of the "likes", "follows" and "shares" that come through on social media and light up every single time an order comes into our inbox. We have so much fun doing what we do and if it weren’t for all of you, we wouldn’t be here!

As the seasons come and go we plan on bringing on new collections that speak to all you besties out there! So, who would we be if we didn't have a salty Summer Collection that spoke to all of our summer vaca hearts? Here ya go!

Summer Collection

Bridal Collection

This picture was taken of some of the items from our Bridal Collection last week at The Addison Wedding Showcase. We got fancy!

Yes, all of these quotes and sayings were originally created by Lindsey & Lilly over multiple glasses of wine, but don't you just love them?! The Bridal Collection specifically was created because Lindsey had a tough time finding "non-cheesy" bachelorette tanks for herself and her bridal BFFs. You won't see any "bride tribe" nonsense here. Here's more from our Bridal Collection.

Believe it or not, we haven’t published an “official Scene Swag” post on the blog, so that is what you’re going to get today. Because of our backgrounds in fashion and PR, we were inspired to launch Scene Swag, clothing line that celebrates friendship, but also stays true to our existing brand and following.

So what’s it all about?! Scene Swag is an online store complete with stylish apparel for stylish best friends that brings a playful insight to trending topics, stereotypes and issues that any age demographic can identify with.

Cool Mom Collection

That being said, we also created a collection for all the COOL MOMS out there. You know, the moms that aren't regular moms, they're cool moms! Even though we aren't moms just yet, we know the moms out there need some love and stylish athleisure apparel. Once we get on that pregnancy/ mom wagon expect a lot more to come out! Currently, we have these in really comfortable tanks and off the shoulder tees!

ADULT-ISH Collection

Since we're not ready to be cool moms just yet, we're on to our ADULT-ISH collection. Lindsey just turned 30 and Lilly is less than a year away from that milestone, so naturally we had to bring in some swag to go along with where we currently are in life.

Keep checking back in with us on the blog and all over social media for announcements about our newest collections going live. SPOILER ALERT: get ready for some football swag coming your way once fall starts. Here's more of what we've got!

Bestie Collection (the OG collection)
