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Valentines Day Fashion

Yep, it's that time of year again everyone! Since Lindsey & Lilly will be spending Valentine's Day together, we thought it was only appropriate to head this with a little GALentine's Day love. Valentine’s Day is a holiday that most refer to as a “Hallmark Holiday” or “Singles Awareness Day”, because skeptics believe it only to exist primarily for commercial purposes, rather than to commemorate and honor the true meaning of love. Why dedicate one day to show your loved ones how you feel? You should express that love every day!

Even though neither of us are single, it’s easy to see both sides of the argument; the non-believers make a good point, while enthusiasts will tell you to embrace the day as an excuse to set time aside from your busy schedule to celebrate your relationship. Since we will be in New York for Fashion Week, we plan on approaching the holiday with a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” attitude. Whether you're planning on a lavish three-course meal with your beau, or hitting the Boca social scene solo, these #SceneGirl inspired looks will make a stylish statement no matter what you get yourself into.

P.S. Just in case you're wondering who we spent last Valentines Day with...Chris Harrison from The Bachelor!

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