Woah, was last week a blur for everyone else or is it just us? Between Delray Beach Fashion Week, Super Bowl LIV festivities, and our clients, we are SPENT. But, enough of the complaining, we’re here to recap Delray Beah Fashion Week and we’ve got a lot of amazing styles and businesses to showcase today.

If you didn’t already know, Delray Beach Fashion Week is put on by the amazing team at the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority, and they continue to shock us every single year. The week started off Wednesday night at the Colony Hotel on Atlantic Avenue with a Super Bowl + ‘Studio 54’ theme. Downtown Delray’s local boutiques and designers premiered beautiful evening wear and everything in between. Event proceeds benefitted the Achievement Centers for Children & Families.
Side note: we always love hanging out with one of our favorite people and mom bloggers, Heather McMechan from Local Mom Scoop. We met at Delray Fashion Week over 6 years ago and have had a connection with her ever since.

Thursday’s event, Delray Beach Fashion Week | “Art & Culture All-Stars” was an exclusive show dedicated to local designers and local artists. During this event, Delray Beach local fashion designers presented their winning collections in the Art Couture All-Stars fashion show, you can view the “Art Couture: the Intersection of Art and Fashion” exhibition by the Cornell Art Museum, meet and greet with the fashion designers, enjoy a food & drink reception, entertainment & other more. 100% of the event proceeds for this event supported the Old School Square. Designers include Project Runway Star Amanda Perna from The House of Perna & Neon Bohemians, Glavidia Alexis of Glavidia by Glavidia Alexis, William DeBilzan of DeBilzan Gallery, & more!

On Friday we attended our favorite event of Delray Fashion Week, THE LUNCHEON! The ‘Half-time & High Heels Presented by Vince Canning Shoes – Resort Wear Luncheon Show’ was held on the water at Che!!! Restaurant with a runway show spotlighting the hottest resort wear for the season.

Two of our favorite people hosted the event, Project Runway’s, Amanda Perna from The House of Perna & Neon Bohemians and influential mom blogger, Heather McMechan of Local Mom Scoop (http://localmomscoop.com/).

Event proceeds went toward the Achievement Centers for Children & Families, and our client, LaureNell Interiors donated one of the hottest auction items of the day. https://www.laurenell.com/

Friday night began with at the Old School Square with a Pep Rally to kick off Super Bowl weekend. This was the final runway show of Delray Fashion Week and included swim and athletic wear. Two of our favorite things!

Delray Beach Fashion Week concluded its festivities by offering attendees the opportunity to shop all of the looks they saw on the runway on Saturday with their Downtown Shop the Runway Blitz event. There was a beautiful welcome reception, where everyone received a Fashion Week Swag Bag, prior to boarding transportation that will shuttle you to Fashion Week retail shops. We did a ton of shopping then wrapped up the day with a post-event Lunch Reception at L'Acqua Ristorante Italiano. Tickets to this event benefitted the Achievement Centers for Children & Families.

We have lost count as to how many years we’ve been attending Delray Beach Fashion Week, but it keeps getting better and better every year and there’s nothing we love more than celebrating everything Downtown Delray Beach has to offer, especially when it comes to fashion!